Tips in selecting the room stay
My room stay in my trip would be a memorable one ! This is everyone’s wish.
Yes, we can expect because we are paying!
-First estimate the number of head counts and rooms needed.
-Calculate your budget.
-Look out for complimentary food with your stay.
-Look around for entertainment from that place.
-Just a hotel without food would lways awake you to search instead of taking rest.
-Accessability to the city and other in and around local tourist places.
-Room ventilation.
-Transporatation facility.

-Frequeny of room cleaning and services.
-How much the elders or the kids like and enjoy the place with food.
-How reasonable the food are
-Is there pickup drop facility from near-by airport and bus stand.
-Lets Google a bit about the hotel and look around for reviews and ratings or phone our relatives and friends and enquire them
Hope this would help you in selecting your rooms when you are planning for a family/business trip.